Going Mobile for Board Games

Play iOS games

It seems that almost daily another board game for the iPad or iPhone is added to the Apple App Store. The more popular board games make their way there first, and many others will likely follow.

Below is the list I’ve compiled to date.

I’ll try to keep on top of the newcomers as they’re created. You can help by letting me know about board games (and card games) missing from my lists that you’d like to know more about.

Note that some iOS versions go by different names than their board game counterparts. I can’t decide whether to list them under the iOS name or the original, so while the lists are basically alphabetical, you may have to search a little bit to find what you’re really looking for. Sorry about that.

Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

iPad Games

LooneyTunesPhonics.com Online Phonics Reading Program

iPhone Games