If You Have 2-4 Players, Try These Games

Whether you are a small family, group of college students, or friends (children or adults), I think you’ll enjoy any, and quite possibly all, of the board games in the list below.

All of them can accommodate 2-4 players and work very well at each level. With Attika and Samurai, the size of the board changes depending on the number of players.

Fun board game Attika

Game: Attika
Players: 2-4
Theme: Laying tiles on hexes to command territory in ancient Greece
Genre: Managing and placing tiles
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Fun board game Samurai

Game: Samurai
Players: 2-4
Theme: Laying tiles on hexes to capture tokens in ancient Japan
Genre: Placing tiles to collect sets of tokens
Length: 45 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Fun board game Masons

Game: Masons
Players: 2-4
Theme: Building walls and towers to surround territory
Genre: Specialty dice rolling
Length: 45 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Fun board game Aquadukt

Game: Aquadukt
Players: 2-4
Theme: Building wells, canals, and houses
Genre: Rolling a 20-sided die and placing tiles (and other bits)
Length: 30 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Fun board game Yspahan

Game: Yspahan
Players: 2-4
Theme: Controlling the city, constructing buildings, and managing a camel caravan in ancient Persia
Genre: Rolling many dice for a unique purpose
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon

5 Fun Board Games for 2-4 Players