Party games. Is that what first came to mind when you saw “college students” in the title? I admit that’s what I first thought of when I decided to come up with a list of games for college students.
Most college students like to socialize. Party games encourage socialization. Below is a list that I think college students would enjoy whether technically at a party or not. I would have included Wits & Wagers in this list too, but I already suggested that one in a previous list and wanted to have five fresh ideas here.
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Game: Say Anything
Players: 3, 4, 5, 6!, 7!, 8!
Theme: Bidding on answers to general questions
Genre: Party
Length: 45 minutes
Game: The Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow
Players: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12!, 13!, 14!, 15!, 16!, 17, 18
Theme: Role playing to discover who the werewolves are
Genre: Party
Length: 30 minutes
Game: Liar’s Dice
Players: 2?, 3, 4, 5, 6!
Theme: Bluffing about dice rolls
Genre: Party
Length: 15 minutes
Game: Dixit – 2010 Spiel des Jahres (German game of the year) winner
Players: 3?, 4, 5!, 6!
Theme: Storytelling version of the dictionary game (like Balderdash)
Genre: Party
Length: 30 minutes
Game: Time’s Up!
Players: 4-18; 4!, 6!, 8!, 10!; team game, so not recommended with odd numbers
Theme: Getting teammates to guess famous names
Genre: Party
Length: 90 minutes
About the number of players: A number followed by an exclamation point (!) means I highly recommend playing with that many players. A number followed by a question mark (?) means avoid playing with that many players, if you can.
Expect your first few plays to take longer than the suggested time, since you’re still learning how the game works.
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