Games Published Since 1995

Where do you start when looking for a new fun board game? Let me tell you. Look at the list below. It’s hard to go wrong with any of these. Pick any one of them up today. Learn the rules or better yet find someone who can teach you. Have a grand time with friends or family.

Fun board game The Settlers of Catan

Game: The Settlers of Catan
Players: 3-4
Theme: Build settlements, cities, and roads on the fictional island of Catan
Genre: Largely negotiation and managing a hand of cards
Length: 90 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon




Game: Carcassonne
Players: 2-5
Theme: Build cities, cloisters, and roads a la the French city of Carcassonne
Genre: Laying square tiles
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Fun board game Ticket to Ride

Game: Ticket to Ride
Players: 2-5
Theme: Claim railway routes by placing train cars all across America and parts of Canada
Genre: Collecting sets of cards and placing plastic trains
Length: 45 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Game: Alhambra
Players: 2-6
Theme: Construct your Spanish Alhambra around a central fountain
Genre: Collecting and placing square tiles while managing a hand of cards
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon



Game: Blokus
Players: 1-4
Theme: None; this is an abstract game using Tetris-like pieces
Genre: Control as much of the board as possible
Length: 20 minutes
Cost: Check price on Amazon

Here’s another list to look at that’s a followup to this one.

Fun Board Games to Try First, If You’ve Never Played Anything Published Since 1995

4 thoughts on “Fun Board Games to Try First, If You’ve Never Played Anything Published Since 1995

  • July 14, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    Hey Gary – just as a note, in the future, using Red and Green as distinguishing colors in a niche hobby that seems to have more red-green deficient members than not, makes it hard to get the general jist of your blog post. Almost as much as long run-on sentence comments to said post 🙂

    Thanks for the post, I’ve sent it on to my parents, whom I am trying to get hooked on this great hobby!!

    • July 14, 2010 at 9:56 pm

      Oh my! I should have known better than that. Thanks for pointing it out, Darren. I’m going to change it to something better shortly.

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