Clans Is One of Colovini’s Best Clans is a fun board game by designer Leo Colovini, also known for Carolus Magnus, Cartagena, and The Bridges of Shangri-La. Colovini’s games often feel like abstracts; that is, the theme doesn’t really matter
This Board Game Isn’t Hilton’s Shangri La
Welcome to an Abstract Shangri La The Bridges of Shangri La is a solid abstract that offers enough interesting decisions and strategic options to keep you coming back for more. The Bridges of Shangri La is essentially a battle between
Mystery Express – the Game that Can Take You for a Ride
Mystery Express is a lot like Clue. It’s an extremely challenging deduction game that will challenge you, even if you are an experienced gamer. That said, you can enjoy it too, even if you’re a “casual” gamer. How Do You Play
ZÈRTZ for All (or Most of) the Marbles
ZÈRTZ Is One of the Best Abstract Games Available ZÈRTZ is all marbles and rings and a shrinking board. The 37 rings make up the hexagonal board at the start of the game. Every time you place one of the
Pente and Othello, Meet YINSH
Playing the Strangely Named YINSH YINSH is a two-player abstract (meaning, it has no theme like a Euro game does) board game that has elements of Pente, where you try to get 5 of your tokens in a row, and